BizSAFE is mainly a nationally recognized capability building program. This program is mainly designed to help companies in building the required workplace safety as well as health capabilities. Some of the important facts to know about Bizsafe Level 3 have been discussed in this article.
Top facts to know about attaining the bizsafe level 3
Bizsafe program mainly includes SGSecure which is mainly the PDF element to help the companies to include the needed measures for managing some of the potential terror threats. BizSAFE Level 3 mainly recognizes that a particular company has mainly conducted risk assessments for each type of work activity as well as the process in their workplace. This is in compliance with the requirements in the WSH or the risk management regulations. To qualify for bizsafe level 3 a company must have the following document:
- The risk management audit report
- The Singapore contractors association Ltd’s otherwise known as SCAL’s, the Singapore list of trade Subcontractors (SLOTS) certificate
- The joint commission international or the JCI certificate.
Unknown facts to know about bizsafe level 3
All workplaces that are covered under the workplace safety and health act otherwise known as WSHA must conduct the risk assessments for different types of work activity as well as the processes which are mainly carried out at their workplaces.
This is an essential step towards obeying with the requirements in the WSHA all related legislations. To get the bizSAFE Level 3 status, the enterprise must appoint an authorized WSH Auditor to assess the company’s implementation of the risk management.
There are many different platforms whose experienced safety consultants can assist the company in this journey to ensure that the risk management is implemented at their workplace. This is mainly done before engaging a 3rd party auditor. The bizSAFE level 3 certificate is the minimum requirement for any contracts as well as tenders with bizSAFE Partners, the construction firms, as well as different government sectors, etc.
Some of the companies which are included in the bizSAFE community are able to display the prestigious bizSAFE logo on their business documents. This includes the name cards, letterheads. name cards, etc as a sign of their commitment to safety. This bizSAFE logo also creates a safer as well as healthier work environment for all their employees. This also helps in increasing the business’s competitive edge.
These are some of the important facts to know about the bizsafe level 3.