Do you know what skin cancer is? It’s the most common form of cancer in the United States. If caught early, it can be treated with no or few side effects. Skin cancer is caused by exposure to UV rays from natural sunlight and artificial sources like tanning beds and sun lamps. So how do you protect yourself? Make sure to apply sunscreen every day before going outside, wear long sleeves, cover up with a hat that has at least SPF 30 protection, avoid peak hours for UV radiation (10 am-4 pm), stay out of the sun during midday hours (11 am-3 pm) when UV levels are highest (UV level 12). Let’s help others prevent skin cancer!
Symptoms of Skin Cancer
Skin cancers are not always easy to identify. They can be difficult to notice because they do not cause symptoms in the early stages. The most common symptom is a change in an existing mole or skin lesion, which may include:
- Skin lesions that bleed easily
- Lesions that itch or hurt
- Lesions with irregular borders
- Lesions with an unusual appearance (solid, flat, pink)
How To Prevent Yourself From Skin Cancer
- Protect your skin from the sun by wearing sunscreen, a hat, and sunglasses
- Avoid tanning beds
- Get regular skin checks to catch any cancerous changes early
- Know your family history of skin cancer and take extra precautions if you have a higher risk
- Stay out of the sun during peak hours (10 am – 4 pm) when UV rays are strongest
- Wear long sleeves or pants in areas with high levels of air pollution that can affect how much protection you get from sunlight
It is not always easy to know when you should get skin cancer treatment, but it is important. Knowing the difference between melanoma and basal cell carcinoma can help in this decision process. If your doctor recommends a biopsy or other form of testing, please go through with it so that they can determine whether or not you need skin cancer treatment. You want to be proactive about getting treated for any potential problems early on before they have time to progress too far along and become more difficult to treat later down the line. Trust us – we understand how hard it may seem right now, but being proactive will give you peace of mind knowing that nothing was missed out on as soon as possible!