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What are the most valuable US coins?

Throughout American numismatic history, several coins stand out for their rarity, historical significance, and monetary value. From early colonial coins to modern mint issues, the United States has produced a diverse array of numismatic treasures that command significant worth in the collecting world. A glimpse into some of the most valuable US Coins.

1794 Flowing Hair Dollar: These  US Coins   hold the distinction of being the first silver dollar minted by the United States. With a mintage of just 1,758 pieces, it’s exceedingly rare. In 2013, an exceptional specimen sold for over $10 million, making it one of the most valuable coins ever sold.

1933 Saint-Gaudens Double Eagle: Although over 445,000 of these $20 gold coins were minted, most were melted down following the Gold Reserve Act of 1933. Only a few survived, making this coin extremely scarce. In 2002, one fetched over $7.5 million at auction.

1804 Draped Bust Dollar: Despite its date, the 1804 dollar was actually minted in the 1830s for diplomatic purposes. Only 15 specimens are known to exist, making it one of the most sought-after coins in American numismatics. In 1999, one sold for $4.14 million, setting a record for the highest price paid for a single coin.


1913 Liberty Head Nickel: Only five examples of this coin are known to exist, and each one has a fascinating backstory involving clandestine minting and illicit acquisition. In 2018, one of these rare nickels sold for over $4.5 million at auction.

1796 Draped Bust Quarter: As one of the earliest quarters minted by the United States, this coin is highly prized by collectors. With a mintage of just 6,146 pieces, it’s incredibly scarce. In 2015, an exceptional specimen fetched $1.5 million at auction.

1916 Standing Liberty Quarter: Designed by renowned sculptor Hermon A. MacNeil, this coin is beloved for its artistic beauty and historical significance. The 1916 edition, with its exposed breast design, is particularly valuable. In 2016, one sold for over $1.8 million at auction.

1804 Silver Dollar Class I Original: These coins were struck in 1834 for diplomatic purposes and are among the rarest and most valuable in American numismatics. Only 15 specimens are known to exist, with each one commanding millions of dollars at auction.

1943 Bronze Lincoln Cent: During World War II, copper was in high demand for the war effort, prompting the US Mint to switch to zinc-coated steel for Lincoln cents. However, a few bronze planchets were mistakenly struck in 1943. Only a handful of these coins are known to exist, with one selling for over $1 million in 2010.

Designing Tomorrow’s Packaging: Poly Bag Manufacturer Pioneers Versatile Solutions

As the world of product packaging changes all the time, new and flexible solutions are very important. One company that was one of the first in its field is the plastic bag supplier, which is planning the packaging of the future. The future of packaging will depend on what consumers want and how environmentally friendly it is.

Poly bags, or polyethylene bags, have been a staple in the packaging industry for their solidity and adaptability. Notwithstanding, the poly bag manufacturer of today is taking this customary packaging material higher than ever by acquainting progressed designs that cater to the changing needs of businesses and consumers alike.

Versatility is a vital focus for these manufacturers. From custom shapes and sizes to a scope of thickness options, polybag manufacturers are giving businesses the adaptability to fit their packaging solutions to specific item requirements. Whether it’s safeguarding fragile electronics, securing clothing during transit, or packaging food items, these versatile poly bags can be adjusted to a horde of applications.

Besides, the ecological effect of packaging materials has become a developing concern. In response, plastic bag supplier is spearheading the advancement of eco-accommodating options. Biodegradable and recyclable poly bags are emerging as suitable alternatives, lining up with the worldwide shift towards sustainable practices. By investing in these creative solutions, businesses can not just fulfill consumer needs for eco-conscious packaging but, in addition, add to a diminished natural impression.

The esthetic aspect of packaging is also going through a transformation, and polybag manufacturers are taking an urgent part in this development. Offering customizable printing options, these manufacturers empower businesses to raise their image presence through visually engaging packaging. Top-notch graphics, dynamic colors, and interesting designs can upgrade the general consumer experience, making the item stand out on swarmed shelves and having a lasting effect.

As businesses across various sectors strive to separate themselves in a cutthroat market, the job of packaging in brand personality can’t be overstated. Poly bag manufacturers, perceiving this, are effectively teaming up with businesses to make packaging solutions that secure and preserve products as well as serve as an extension of the brand itself.

The polybag manufacturer of today is something other than a supplier; they are an accomplice in shaping the fate of packaging. By focusing on versatility, sustainability, and aesthetics, these manufacturers are preparing for creative solutions that take special care of the diverse needs of businesses and consumers. As the interest in more sophisticated and eco-accommodating packaging continues to develop, polybag manufacturers are strategically situated to lead the way in designing packaging solutions that address the difficulties of tomorrow’s market.

Analyzing and Optimizing Website Content to Improve SEO Rankings

Effective search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial for ensuring that your website ranks prominently in search engine results pages (SERPs). Conducting Seo best practices for audits allows you to analyze and optimize website content to improve search engine rankings. This guide outlines the best practices for conducting SEO audits and optimizing website content for better visibility.

  1. Keyword Research:

Identify Relevant Keywords: Conduct thorough keyword research to identify terms and phrases relevant to your website’s content and target audience.

Use Tools: Utilize keyword research tools such as Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs to discover high-volume and low-competition keywords.

  1. On-Page Optimization:

Title Tags and Meta Descriptions: Ensure that each page has unique and descriptive title tags and meta descriptions that include targeted keywords.

Header Tags: Use header tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) to structure content hierarchically and include relevant keywords in headings.

Optimized Content: Create high-quality, relevant, and engaging content that incorporates targeted keywords naturally.

  1. Technical SEO Analysis:

Site Structure: Evaluate the website’s structure, ensuring it is logical and easy to navigate for both users and search engines.

Page Speed: Improve website loading speed by optimizing images, leveraging browser caching, and minimizing unnecessary scripts.

Mobile-Friendliness: Ensure that the website is mobile-responsive to provide a seamless user experience across devices.

Audience-first Approach: The Keystone of Emerging SEO Trends

  1. Backlink Analysis:

Backlink Profile: Analyze the website’s backlink profile to identify quality inbound links from authoritative and relevant websites.

Link Building: Develop a strategy for acquiring high-quality backlinks through outreach, guest blogging, and partnerships to improve domain authority.

  1. Content Quality and Relevance:

Content Audit: Conduct a comprehensive audit of existing content to identify areas for improvement, such as outdated or thin content.

Content Optimization: Optimize existing content by updating information, adding multimedia elements, and incorporating relevant keywords.

  1. Local SEO Optimization:

Google My Business: Claim and optimize the Google My Business listing to improve local search visibility, ensuring accurate business information, and encouraging customer reviews.

Local Citations: Build consistent local citations on directories and review platforms to enhance local SEO authority.

  1. Performance Tracking and Monitoring:

Analytics Setup: Implement Google Analytics and Google Search Console to track website performance, monitor keyword rankings, and identify areas for improvement.

Regular Monitoring: Continuously monitor website metrics and performance to identify trends, opportunities, and potential issues.


By following Seo best practices for conducting audits and optimizing website content, you can improve search engine rankings, increase organic traffic, and enhance the overall visibility and performance of your website in SERPs. Regularly reviewing and optimizing your SEO strategy ensures that your website remains competitive and relevant in today’s digital landscape.

Enhancing Security Measures in Employee Equity Plans

Employee equity plans represent a cornerstone of modern compensation structures, offering employees a stake in the success of the company and aligning their interests with those of shareholders. However, the digital age has ushered in a new era of challenges, with cyber threats and data breaches posing significant risks to the security and confidentiality of employee equity plan assets and information.

This comprehensive exploration delves deeper into the strategies and technologies that can be employed to safeguard assets and data within these plans, enhancing security and bolstering trust among employees and stakeholders alike.

Current Challenges:

  • Data Vulnerability:

The proliferation of digital platforms and cloud-based solutions has increased the vulnerability of equity plan data to cyber-attacks and unauthorized access.Personal and financial information stored within equity plan databases are prime targets for hackers seeking to exploit vulnerabilities and compromise sensitive data.

  • Regulatory Compliance:

Stringent regulatory requirements, such as GDPR, CCPA, and Sarbanes-Oxley, impose legal obligations on companies to protect personal and financial data, adding complexity to equity plan administration.

Non-compliance with these regulations can result in hefty fines, legal liabilities, and reputational damage for companies.

  • Identity Theft and Fraud:

Sophisticated cyber criminals may attempt to steal employee identities or manipulate equity holdings through fraudulent activities, leading to financial losses and erosion of trust.

Unauthorized access to equity plan accounts can have far-reaching consequences, affecting both employees’ financial well-being and the company’s reputation.

Enhanced Security Measures:

  1. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA):

Implementation of MFA requires users to provide multiple forms of authentication, such as passwords, security tokens, or biometric verification, before accessing equity plan accounts.

MFA adds an extra layer of security, reducing the risk of unauthorized access even in the event of password breaches or phishing attacks.

  1. Encryption Protocols:

Adoption of robust encryption algorithms ensures that sensitive equity plan data, including personal information and transactional records, are encrypted both during transmission and storage.

Advanced encryption protocols, such as AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) and SSL/TLS (Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security), help mitigate the risk of data interception and unauthorized disclosure.

  1. Regular Security Audits and Penetration Testing:

Conducting periodic security audits and penetration testing exercises helps identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in equity plan systems and infrastructure.

By proactively addressing security gaps and implementing remedial measures, companies can fortify their defenses and minimize the risk of cyber-attacks and data breaches.

  1. Employee Education and Training Programs:

Providing comprehensive cybersecurity training programs equips employees with the knowledge and skills needed to recognize and respond to potential threats.

Training initiatives should cover topics such as password hygiene, phishing awareness, and best practices for safeguarding sensitive information, fostering a culture of cybersecurity awareness and accountability across the organization.


In an era characterized by heightened cybersecurity threats, companies must expand their security measures to protect employee equity plan from potential risks and vulnerabilities. By adopting a multi-faceted approach that encompasses technological solutions, policy frameworks, and employee education initiatives, organizations can fortify their defenses, mitigate security risks, and uphold the confidentiality and integrity of equity plan assets and data. Through continuous vigilance and investment in cybersecurity measures, companies can demonstrate their commitment to protecting the interests and well-being of employees and stakeholders in the digital age.

Counting Down to Success: Why Is a Minute Timer Your Ultimate Productivity Ally?

In the fast-paced universe of productivity and using time effectively, a straightforward yet integral asset has arisen as a game-changer: the 2 minute timer. This unassuming gadget, frequently found on our smartphones or as standalone gadgets, has demonstrated to be the ultimate ally in helping productivity and opening the maximum capacity of our daily tasks.

One of the key reasons a minute timer is so viable is its ability to create a need to get going. The idea of time pressure is an irrefutable motivator, and setting a particular timeframe for a task can enhance concentration and forestall procrastination. By allocating a designated number of minutes to a task, individuals can harness the psychological peculiarity of the deadline impact, prodding them to work productively and stay on track.

The minute timer acts as a faithful companion during these engaged work runs, assisting individuals with maintaining energy and avoiding burnout. The organized intervals guarantee a balance between extreme concentration and necessary breaks, adding to sustained productivity over the course of the day.

Besides, a minute timer fills in as a tangible measurement tool for goal achievement. Breaking down larger tasks into manageable additions allows individuals to track progress all the more. This incremental approach to productivity forestalls overpower and advances a positive mentality toward work.

The 2 minute timer is also a versatile tool for combating decision fatigue. Indecision and drawn-out deliberation can obstruct productivity; however, a coordinated approach encourages fast decision-making. Realizing that a task has a fixed timeframe encourages individuals to make productive decisions, eliminating the paralysis that can arise from overthinking.

In addition to its job in task-situated productivity, a minute timer is invaluable for time-hindering and booking. Allocating explicit minutes to various activities guarantees an organized day and guards against time-wasting. The timer turns into a beacon, directing individuals through a very well-planned timetable and encouraging discipline in using time productively.

The minute timer is far more than a straightforward countdown gadget; it is a strong ally chasing productivity and success. By leveraging the psychological impact of time constraints, supporting organized work intervals, and aiding in goal measurement, the minute timer demonstrates its worth as an indispensable tool in the arsenal of those aiming to advance their time and achieve peak productivity. As we keep on navigating an existence where there isn’t a moment to spare, the minute timer stands as a steadfast companion on the excursion to success.

Step into Style: Exploring the Versatility and Elegance of SPC Flooring

In the domain of inside plan, flooring assumes a critical part in establishing the vibe for a space. Stone Plastic Composite (SPC) flooring has quickly arisen as a leader in the realm of smart and complex flooring arrangements, offering a mix of versatility and elegance that changes both private and business spaces. We should dive into the characteristics that pursue spc flooring mode decision for those hoping to raise their insides.

Authentic Esthetics

SPC flooring stands out for its capacity to authentically duplicate the look and feel of regular materials like hardwood, stone, and tile. High level printing innovation and a top quality layer empower SPC flooring to emulate the mind boggling subtleties, surfaces, and examples tracked down in these materials. This authenticity permits mortgage holders and creators to accomplish the ideal esthetic without settling on solidness or upkeep.

Assortment of Styles and Plans

Versatility is a sign of SPC flooring, offering a broad scope of styles and plans to suit different inside inclinations. Whether one looks for the glow of conventional hardwood, the smoothness of present day tiles, or the ageless allure of stone, SPC flooring gives a variety of choices. The versatility stretches out to variety ranges, examples, and gets done with, taking into consideration customization that supplements any plan vision.

Unbending Center Soundness

The unbending center design of SPC flooring adds to its solidness, guaranteeing a smooth and even surface underneath. This steadiness upgrades the toughness of the flooring as well as gives a strong groundwork to furniture and other components of inside stylistic layout. The inflexible center limits the gamble of surface blemishes, making a cleaned and rich appearance all through the space.

Water and Stain Opposition

Elegance meets common sense in the water and mess opposition offered by SPC flooring. The creation of normal limestone and stabilizers makes SPC flooring impenetrable to water harm, settling on it an ideal decision for regions inclined to spills, dampness, or mugginess. The capacity to repulse stains guarantees that the flooring keeps up with its flawless appearance, even in high-traffic regions.

Simple Support

Keeping an upscale space putting its best self forward shouldn’t come at the expense of monotonous support. SPC flooring works on the upkeep interaction with its low-support necessities. Ordinary clearing to eliminate dust and incidental clammy cleaning are normally adequate to safeguard the elegance of SPC flooring. This simplicity of upkeep adds to the appeal of SPC flooring for occupied families and business spaces.

Agreeable Underneath

While spc flooringflaunts an unbending center for steadiness, it doesn’t think twice about solace. The regular flexibility of the material gives an agreeable underneath experience. What’s more, the similarity of SPC flooring with underlayment choices further improves solace, making a flooring arrangement that joins elegance with a wonderful strolling surface.

SPC flooring is something other than a down to earth flooring arrangement; an upscale and flexible choice lifts the esthetic allure of any space. The marriage of authenticity, security, water opposition, and simplicity of upkeep positions SPC flooring as a jazzy and viable decision for those looking for elegance and toughness in their inside plan tries. Step into style with SPC flooring and experience the change of your living spaces into complex, inviting shelters.

Strategies for Effective Real Estate Accounting Software Usage

Real estate accounting software has become an indispensable tool for property managers, real estate investors, and agents. It simplifies complex financial tasks, reduces errors, and provides valuable insights into your real estate accounting software business’s financial health.

Choosing the Right Accounting Software

Selecting the right real estate accounting software is the first crucial step. Consider factors such as scalability, user-friendliness, integration capabilities, and cost before making a decision.

Customizing Your Chart of Accounts

Tailor your chart of accounts to your specific real estate needs. This customization ensures that you can accurately track income, expenses, and assets related to your properties.

Automating Data Entry

Minimize manual data entry by automating the process. Link your bank accounts and credit cards to your software to automatically import transactions, reducing the risk of errors.

Expense Tracking and Categorization

Categorize expenses appropriately, dividing them into operational, maintenance, and capital expenses. This categorization simplifies budgeting and tax reporting.

Generating Financial Reports

Leverage your software’s reporting capabilities to gain insights into your real estate portfolio’s financial performance. Key reports to generate include profit and loss statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements.

"real estate accounting software

Integration with Property Management Systems

The Need for Integration

The real power of PMS lies in its ability to connect with other systems and platforms. Integration with various technologies and services can significantly enhance its capabilities. Whether you run a small boutique hotel or a large-scale real estate portfolio, integrating PMS with other tools can streamline operations and improve overall efficiency.

Benefits of Integrating with PMS

Increased Efficiency

By integrating with PMS, property owners can automate many tasks, reducing manual effort and the likelihood of errors. This leads to smoother operations and better customer service.

Enhanced Guest Experience

Integration allows for real-time updates on room availability, rates, and services. This ensures that guests receive accurate and timely information, leading to higher satisfaction levels.

Comprehensive Data Analysis

Integrating PMS with analytics tools enables property owners to gain insights into guest preferences and market trends, making informed decisions.

Ensuring Compliance

Stay compliant with tax regulations and industry standards by regularly updating your software and keeping accurate records. Compliance is essential for avoiding penalties and audits.

Regularly Reconciling Accounts

Reconciliation ensures that your software’s records match your bank and credit card statements. Regular reconciliation is vital for detecting and rectifying discrepancies.

Data Security Measures

Protect sensitive financial data by implementing robust security measures. Use strong passwords, encryption, and regular backups to safeguard your information.

Collaboration and Multi-User Access

If you work with a team, opt for software that allows multiple users with varying levels of access. Collaborative features streamline communication and cooperation.

Training and Support

Invest time in training to fully understand your software’s capabilities. Additionally, ensure that you have access to reliable customer support in case you encounter issues.

Monitoring Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Identify and track KPIs relevant to your real estate goals, such as return on investment (ROI) and occupancy rates. Use your software to create customized KPI dashboards.

Scaling with Growth

Choose software that can grow with your business. As your real estate portfolio expands, your accounting software should accommodate your increasing needs.


Incorporating real estate accounting software into your business operations can revolutionize your financial management. By choosing the right software, customizing it to your needs, and implementing the strategies mentioned above, you can streamline your accounting processes, reduce errors, and make informed financial decisions.

Lights, Camera, Action: Elevate Your Storytelling with a Professional Video Production Company

In the realm of current communication, where attention spans are transient and contest is savage, the force of visual storytelling has never been more significant. This is where a professional video production company ventures onto the stage, armed with the instruments and mastery to rejuvenate your narratives. The universe of visual storytelling through professional video production, investigating how these companies can elevate your messages and captivate your audience.”Lights, camera, action” isn’t simply a phrase; it’s a call to transform ideas into convincing visual narratives. A professional video production company is the conductor that transforms ideas into reality, crafting stories that resonate with audiences on a significant level.

The pith of visual storytelling lies in its ability to pass complex ideas and feelings on through a combination of visuals, audio, and narrative stream. A medium engages various faculties simultaneously, making it more impactful and memorable than traditional types of communication.A professional video production company acts as the maestro of this orchestra. From pre-production planning to after production altering, they orchestrate each component of the interaction to guarantee that the final item aligns with your vision and goals. Their aptitude in lighting, camera angles, sound plan, and altering guarantees that your story is introduced in the most convincing manner.Videos have the ability to transcend barriers that text alone cannot. A very much crafted video appeals to both visual and auditory learners, guaranteeing that your message reaches a broader audience. Whether it’s an emotional appeal, an informative piece, or an entertaining clasp, videos have the ability to summon strong reactions.

Professional Video Production

Engagement is the key part of powerful communication. Professional video production enhances engagement by weaving together visual components and storytelling procedures that capture and hold the watcher’s attention. The combination of visuals, sound, and narrative creates a vivid encounter that resonates profoundly.Besides, video content has a remarkable impact on memory maintenance. Studies have shown that individuals will generally recall visual substance far more than textual substance. By leveraging the force of visuals, a professional video production company can guarantee that your message remains scratched in the personalities of your audience.In the age of digital platforms and social media, video quality written substance makes all the difference. Videos are bound to be shared, loved, and remarked on, creating a gradually expanding influence that broadens your reach far past your immediate audience. This virality potential is a critical advantage of professional video production.

The most common way of creating a professional video production company includes careful planning, coordination, and collaboration. It starts with conceptualization and scriptwriting, trailed by production planning, shooting, and after production altering. Each step requires a mix of creativity, technical mastery, and attention to detail. A professional video production company is something beyond a specialist co-op; it’s a partner in your storytelling venture. Through their mastery of visual components, sound plan, and storytelling procedures, they have the ability to elevate your narratives and captivate your audience. In an era where attention is a valuable item, putting resources into professional video production is a strategic move that can separate your messages and leave a lasting impact.

Reasons Why It’s Best to Partner With Freight Brokers

The role of freight brokers as middlemen for shippers and businesses is crucial. They are experts in the industry and help get things moving on their clients’ behalf. They connect the shippers with dependable carriers. This  way, everything runs smoothly and reaches its destination as intended. If you want to know why you should trust a freight broker Australia with your shipments, then take a look at the reasons below.

Brokers Have Understanding of Processes

Freight brokers have a good understanding of the shipment processes. They know that they must regularly communicate with their clients to provide updates. The reliable ones will keep all lines of communication open, both with shippers and carriers. Brokers also ensure that they set expectations for their clients to fully understand the process.

Access to Industry Expertise

Freight brokers have the knowledge and experience of the shipping industry. They know the ins and outs of this business, including the legalities, paperwork needed, transportation options, and the market conditions. They know how to find the best brokers to match your needs. They have the experience in handling complicated situations for a seamless transaction between the shippers and the businesses.

freight broker Australia

Huge Cost Savings

Using freight brokers for your shipment and logistic needs can help you reduce and cut down the expenses. You only spend money on the services you usedBrokers are able to negotiate pricing with carriers on your behalf. They can also bargain for the best possible offers. Freight brokers can help clients save money with its growing shipment needs.

Mitigate Freight Risks

Freight brokers lower the risks brought about by your business shipments. Businesses, whether big or small, must follow industry laws and standards. Freight brokers will make sure that every process is in accordance with these laws. They can keep track of shipments and update you in real time to reduce risk. And when problems arise, brokers can act on it in real time and make sure the freight can keep moving until it reaches its destination.

Adapt to Business Growth

Working with freight brokers ensure that your shipment carriers are able to adapt to your business’ growing needs. Brokers can ensure they meet the demands of shippers. Whether you are only looking for a one-time shipment service or if it’s going to be an ongoing project. Brokers can help you find the right shippers to transport your cargo.

Freight brokers know a lot of things in the industry and have the right connections that most shippers don’t have. They know the ins and outs of the shipment and logistics industry. Freight brokers can help businesses save time and money in a lot of ways. That is why employing their services brings practical advantages to your business.

Using Residential Architect To Design Your Home Project

Whether you’re planning to build your new home or considering a complete refurbishment or renovation and giving it a new look, an expert or specialist can help you a lot. No matter what, designing your home, even in its simplest form, requires making a long list of priorities, requirements, and decisions.

Residential architects are trained to perform such tedious and overwhelming tasks.

When planning to design your new home or even renovate an existing one, there are a few places where you’d like to take a professional approach. residential architects in melbourne can help with this. After all, an architect does much more than design a house, such as building knowledge, tips for improving your home’s energy efficiency, and more. All those who want to reduce stress in building their home need a professional architect.

After all, they also have full knowledge of legal and local requirements. Using their services at this stage guarantees no problems later on. The next step is choosing an appropriate architect for your home project. You can even do this by looking at their portfolios that are available online.

You should explain your terms of reference to the selected architect. Explain everything about the number of rooms you want, the type of rooms, and any other special requirements. If you have photos of what you want your house to look like, you can also share them. During this time, the architect may make suggestions or changes to your plan. They must be listened to carefully as they fit into the plan. If there are any compromises, do so.

Residential & Apartment Architects Melbourne | Home Designs

After discussing the needs and wishes, the architect will make a preliminary design. You can make any changes after consulting with the architect. Below is the construction plan when other professionals are invited to receive their proposals. As a rule, three citations from each field are requested for the best score. The architect will review the bidding documents to ensure fair prices, and the board will approve the plans.

Consult with your architect to determine the budget for building your dream home. Ask him about any expenses you may have missed because you are not a professional. This way, you will have a relatively accurate estimate of construction costs. If your budget allows, hire your architect for the entire project for optimal benefit. Or you can only hire him for some niche areas. It may include creating a concept design and meeting with various contractors on your behalf to build the house.


Other areas where architects can be of great help are sorting out the town hall and building documentation to refine you later. You can ask the architect to conduct regular checks. A professionally designed home guarantees a good future build, and the architect gives you that and the peace of mind that comes with it.